This week on TGIF: Changing Your Mindset as an Edupreneur.

Let me take you back to the early days of my edupreneur journey. When I first stepped out of the classroom, I had one thing in mind: I was going to start a tutoring business–straightforward enough, right? 

I built my business with no real Teacherpreneur Hero or Edupreneur Coach to look up to. And I did the only thing I knew to do: Slapped together a website to promote my private tutoring services and started charging families by the hour. Which meant that, when a parent or prospective client inquired, my pricing pitch always revolved around the cost per hour, never about the outcomes–like the transformations my students were observing in themselves, or the new birth of confidence they experienced in learning and in life.

changing your mindset as an edupreneur or teaching business

Nearly three years into edupreneurship--

I started to feel the achiness of what I knew to be growing pains– you might remember if you've been around a while!

What I didn't mention back then ^ is that I had a lightbulb moment when I suddenly made the connection between my hourly pricing model and the limitations it imposed on my teaching business--and how charging by the hour imposes limits on the limitless potential of teacherpreneurship/edupreneurship as a whole.

My pricing pitch had to change. Because it wasn't just about dollars; it was about the value I was delivering

Shifting from a mindset focused solely on the hourly rate to one centered on the benefits my services provided was the it I was grasping for.

It wasn't easy.

I reworded, revised, and tweaked my new service guide for eight whole weeks. As I did it, I thought about the implications the shift might have on my business and the students who might leave to find a tutor or private teacher with more affordable, hourly pricing options. I cried. Literally.

value based pricing models for your teaching or tutoring business

And I nearly backed out of the whole dang thing. 

To be honest, something about it just made me feel a little ick–but it was the kind of essential ick that forces you to roll up your sleeves, put on your pig-farm boots, and get 'er done. Whatever ‘er’ is.

And that ick? It not only allowed me to overhaul my pricing strategy, but also paved the way for scaling my business and bringing other passionate teachers and specialists on board.

It was at that moment that I discovered the true blueprint for my edu-business - the services and benefits I provided became the foundation upon which The Lit Advocate would soon begin to bloom beyond. This shift wasn't just about rebranding; it was a shift in my core philosophy. It was about building not only learner confidence, but also confidence in MYSELF as an edupreneur. 

And, well, because I like ya, here are some of the insights I gained on my journey to transform my mindset as a teacherpreneur, edupreneur--ed-rockstar, if you prefer.

transforming my mindset as a teacherpreneur, edupreneur

1. The Mindset Shift: From Selling Services to Building... [Input Your Unique Skillset or Value Proposition Here]

As edupreneurs, it's easy to fall into the trap of focusing too much on the dollar value, leading us to move from teaching as a public service to teaching as a service to sell. But it's so much more. As education entrepreneurs, our teaching is about providing our learners with what they aren’t–or could not–get in the classroom; it’s about guiding our students to believe in themselves, to boost their confidence, and to awaken the curiosity that’s lying dormant in them. Instead of focusing solely on the transactional side, think about the transformation you can bring into their lives.

Imagine taking a mindset coaching approach that not only improves academic performance but also helps students grow personally. We're talking about nurturing self-assured, lifelong learners. It's not just about grades anymore; it's about lighting that fire of curiosity that stays with them for life.

2. Authentic Selling: Connecting with Your Students, Families, Customers, and Communities

In the age of pushy sales tactics, authenticity is our secret weapon. Forget the impersonal approaches; this new world of nontraditional education is special because it provides the margins–the time and the space–to connect with parents, families, and students on a deeper level. Revel in it. Take the time to really understand each family’s values, education goals, and the areas they’re in need of support. Share your heart and your story - the ups, the downs, the "aha" moments. Let your genuine love for teaching shine through.

When you're genuine, you're not just attracting potential families and students; you're building a loyal community around your edu-brand. This connection sets you apart from the rest and keeps students coming back–because you become an extension of their life, their journey, and their home(school).

building an authentic brand as a teacherpreneur
Photo by Brett Jordan / Unsplash

3. Pricing Packages: Finding the Perfect Balance

Pricing isn't just about numbers; it's about value. Create customized packages that cater to individual student and family needs. If you’re not yet ready to transition to value based pricing plans, just be sure to use a tutor pricing calculator so your pricing reflects the value you provide, your expertise, and the time you invest.

And when moving into conversations with prospective clients about your pricing and plans, remember–it's not just about money; it's about the worth of the transformation you offer. Be open about your pricing, explain how you've arrived at those numbers, and confidently stand by the value you bring. This isn't just about gaining families’ and students' trust; it's about honoring your skills, finding your work-life balance, and securing financial success - for yourself, for your family, and as an edupreneur.

Did you see the edTeam's very own @Lexa discussing her teaching business and the @edTonomy app this week?

Check out Lexa's inspiring testimonial for the SmartSTART program and the power of business support in growing @TheLitAdvocate!👇🏼

edTeam's very own @Lexa on the power of programs to support local businesses, like the Pasco County SmartSTART program!

4. Embracing the Edupreneurial Spirit: Beyond Traditional Tutoring

Today's nontraditional education space is a whole new world, and it offers endless opportunities for edupreneurs. Don't limit yourself to traditional one-on-one tutoring. Think bigger - microschools, online teaching businesses, and innovative learning experiences that breakdown the walls of the traditional brick and mortar schoolhouse--and break the mold.

Welcome to educator + autonomy → edTonomy
edTonomy empowers education entrepreneurs to launch their microschools, scale their tutoring businesses, and venture into a new world of edupreneurship: a space with limitless potential for heart-led educators seeking opportunities beyond the traditional school system.
edTonomy empowers education entrepreneurs to launch their microschools, scale their tutoring businesses, and venture into a new world of edupreneurship: a space with limitless potential for heart-led educators seeking opportunities beyond the traditional school system.

Keep reflecting, learning, and evolving when you start to feel the growing pains; embrace the nontraditional teaching and learning space by being open to adapt to students' and families’ changing needs; then go on out and be the education pioneer you're meant to be.

 Unlock Your Potential as an Edupreneur with the edCollective Community Membership!

Join a Thriving Community of Like-Minded Educators, Access Exclusive Resources, and Elevate Your Teaching [Business] Skills to the Next Level.

Become a Member of the edCollective Community and Step Into Your Full Potential as an EDUpreneur!
Become a Member of the edCollective Community and Step Into Your Full Potential as an EDUpreneur!

Dear Edupreneurs,

It's time for a shift.

We're not just educators; we're confidence builders, community creators, and innovation champions. And we need each other!

We are edupreneurs, and YES, we exist.

But we are all over the nation; maybe all over the globe. Spread out on our own little isolated islands.

And you know how the saying goes: There's power in numbers.

...That's why the edTeam created a community just for US: the edupreneurs, the tutors and specialists, the professional practitioners...the pioneers of nontraditional teaching and learning.

Welcome home!

the edCollective Member Community by edTonomy: We're not just educators; we're confidence builders, community creators, and innovation champions. And we need each other!

What's being an edCollective Member all about?

Here's the SparkNotes version: As an edCollective Community Member, you'll have access to round tables, discussion forums, webinars, edupreneur courses, and coaching. It's about edupreneurs supporting edupreneurs, and uplifting each other as we shape the future of education.

Ready to join in the fun?

Sign up for the waitlist to be notified when the edCollective membership community goes LIVE!👇🏼

Let's make a real impact in our students' lives and leave a legacy of empowerment. We're excited to welcome you to our down-to-earth community of change-makers.

the edTeam created a community just for US: the edupreneurs, the tutors and specialists, the professional practitioners...the pioneers of nontraditional teaching and learning.
Photo by Meghan Lamle / Unsplash

Got a story to tell? We're seeking podcast guests for The Teachers' Lounge, and would love to share your story with our community!

Submit your story idea here. No gimmicks, no need to be all Fancy Nancy, just send us the brief on you: Your teaching/business/edupreneur journey and anything that helps us get to know you--like the real, no makeup, pre-coffee you.

Love that look for you. Keep rockin' it.

Podcast for edupreneurs. Podcast for teacherpreneurs. The teachers' lounge.